"I'll get the things I want out of life, one way or another...from one man to another!"
Based on the story of GEORGE M. COHAN with the Greatest of all his Great Music
From the lips of one MAN to the arms of another!
The days of innocence have passed. They must make their choices like men. But at what costs? Is blood really thicker than water?
In life he was a movie star, in death he became a legend.
A Mirthful, Magical Musical !
From Your Pal, Columbia!
At station WBN, the hits just keep on coming.
Brilliant In Cast And Story
The Biggest Show On Earth!
The King and Queen of «Carioca»
YOU'VE GOT A DATE with the girls from the "Follies"!
"POPPY"...the Victim of Vengeance! Her love of life and laughter led her to a most amazing doom!
Three Great Laff Stars ! . . . more gags and gals . . . more songs and dances !
These were the adventures . . . fighting, laughing and brawling their way from Seattle to Nome!
She'll give you the heart thrill of your life !
Dice was his vice. Men hers.
Exciting loveliness and rhythm in a star-spangled army musical!