They see your fear
A Science Fiction Horror Adventure That'll Blow You Away!
There's nothing like a brush with death to make you feel alive
Guns have their uses, it's idiots with guns that make me nervous
Once you get a taste of the good life, it's hard to let go. Even if your life depends on it.
Can One Man Make A Difference?
It's always darkest before dawn
Extermination is not just a business. It's a way of life.
Heroes hit hardest.
Radford is Back!
He's a cop, She's a thief, together they're running for their lives
Nothing Can Stop Them. No One Can Help You. They Know Who You Are.
Out of uniform. Out of control...
It's going to take a dead man to save the country...from a death merchant's dream of destruction!
Crime at the Speed of Light
John Ford's Thundering Spectacle
They were hired killers going up against the deadliest force of all. Each other.
All that was left after...THE KILLER SHREWS! (Used in conjunction with a woman's pink pump and splattered blood)
A Hero Becomes a Legend