Gather Around the Campfire to Die!
Looks ni damasareru na
Once again, blood flows in the streets of Kanto!
The Terror Has Surfaced
Sixty Feet of Pure Terror!
These are the girls of Hamilton High. Tonight, they will be more beautiful than ever before in their lives. Because tonight is prom night... and someone has come to the prom alone. Just to watch them dance. To see them fall in love. To see them... die!
Когда я вырасту большим, я стану девушкой!
A classic tale of the perverse from director Lucio Fulci.
Meet Wendell Tvedt. Would you believe he's about to become America's #1 hunk? What happens to him, could happen to you!
A surprising comedy of love.
The Saucy Sequel To "Waiting ..."
Who are these unholy savages who hunt out their victims by sound alone?
God help us if they rise again!
Sometimes, inspiration is where you least expect it . . .
They may be young but they learn fast and live faster
Born with no immunity against disease, he lives in a plastic prison. Inside he is protected. Outside, there is the chance of death. But the chance of love.