Что будет, когда закончатся числа?
Кто выживет в жутком городе?
Én ulykke kommer sjældent alene
You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they're people just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong
Лучший способ избавиться от дракона - это иметь своего собственного
There can be no understanding between the hands and the brain unless the heart acts as mediator
First film to have Australia's R certificate
The Decline of the West in C# Major
The degeneration of high society!
Проиграл - плати
Spine-Chilling! Suspenseful! Mind Shattering!
I killed my father, I ate human flesh, and I quiver with joy.
The surprise comedy hit of the New York Film Festival
Gay beginnings of the end of the world.
Time Never Dies, the Circle is Not Round.
A modern day fable.