Небесная справедливость в действии
Есть много способов умереть от руки убийцы
История жизни и всего, что следует за ней...
To Unravel A Murder, You Have To Strip It To The Bone
Все ради неё
Перед тем как ты умрешь, ты услышишь...
The final vision of a controversial filmmaker
You may only see it once, but that will be enough
Как следует подготовься к сезону убийств
Берегись гнева призраков!
The ultimate confrontation between good and evil!
Get ready for an arresting new season.
What she has witnessed, she cannot escape. What he has become, he cannot control. And what you experience, no one will believe until they come face to face with the inhuman fear that is the howling.
The latest fashion in murder.
All the screaming in the world won't help!
It's Time For Your Final Appointment