The hard-hitting story of a man with a plan...REVENGE!
Powell's on the Prowl!
A diabolic shocker that will grip you and hold you SPELLBOUND!
ALL THE MAGIC OF THRILLING BAGDAD! (print ad - all caps)
They Threatened The World Until Some Hep Youngsters Took Over! (original posters)
NO NAME FOR HER BABY...only a PRICE! (original posters and print ads-mostly caps)
When I go're better off dead!
Caught in the Web of Her Own Evil! (original poster)
He was Trained to Kill... and Kill... and Kill... and Kill...
Their bullets riveted a new star to the flag !
Who are the mysterious powers? (US poster)
Three hunted men and their desperate women...
The one and only FERNANDEL in the Parisian comedy sensation
Her spirit never died