Drive in. Freak out.
Live everyday like it's your last.
The most dangerous secrets are the ones we're afraid to tell ourselves
Он несет благо на острие меча, искореняющего тьму
Unrest In Peace
Hear me now brother, I was washed in the same blood as you
In a daring armed robbery, they'll risk everything for the ultimate score.
For years the government paid him to kill. Now he is self-employed!
He Knows Who's Been Naughty
He's a menace to High Society.
They Only Want A Brain ... Yours.
In 1943 sixteen German paratroopers landed in England. In three days they nearly won the War.
There's nothing like a brush with death to make you feel alive
The Deadliest Predator Is Already Inside You.
Seduction is the devil's playground.
Once Upon A Time In China A New Hero Emerged...
Guns have their uses, it's idiots with guns that make me nervous
Can One Man Make A Difference?