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When Andy met Edie, life imitated art
Чарльз Дарвин - человек, который изменил мир навсегда
Walk into the incredible true experience of Billy Hayes, and bring all the courage you can!
How far would you go for a friend?
Experience the incredible true story of a man who left behind the world he knew, and found the courage to do the impossible
All I Can Do Is Be Me Whoever That Is
Декабрь 1914 года. История, которая не попала в учебники
"When God came down to earth he could not deal with the gypsies . . . and he took the next flight back"
Зов природы. Жажда приключений. Ошибка всей жизни
The greatest story ever told
One Vicious Killer. One Relentless Cop... ...Ten Thousand Bullets
2 Lovers. 1 Year
Когда закончится лето, ничто уже не будет таким как прежде
Warner Bros. hit a new high in high adventure... bringing another best-seller to the screen!
At last....the motion picture!
«The Kid» keeps the legend alive....
Academy Award Winner Best Foreign Language Film 1979
Mick's Back With a Few Days to Kill