The most terrifying nightmare of childhood is about to return!
Möchtest du gerne meine besten Szenen mit Doppelpenetration, Anal, Oralsex und Lesben-Action sehen? (Do you want me to see my best scenes with Double Penetration, Oral, Anal etc.?)
Let the battle begin...
BIG BOUNCY BEAUTIFUL! (original print ad - all caps)
Their first meeting was casual...
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, now who's the fairest twin of all?
Невинное лицо. Грешная душа
High School Honor Student by Day. Hollywood Hooker by Night.
Is it real or is it a dream...
The YEAR'S FUNNIEST FUN! (original print ad - mostly caps)
The Suspense Begins...From the Very First Second!
Giancarlo Giannini, star of "Swept Away", plays 8 beauties
A titanic beauty spreads a macabre wave of horror! A terrifying masterpiece of shock and chills!
A rarity on the screen... a RAW slice of life!
'Only 'THE MORE THE MERRIER' has a DINGLE! (original Card B poster)