On Jupiter's moon something deadly is happening
Something Dangerous Is In The Air
Unarmed and extremely dangerous
Китайская шкатулка, полная жестокостей
Clean. Fast. Professional.
Когда жажда справедливости сметает все границы на своем пути...
Everyone wants to be a kingpin.
They're the last two alive... But when they meet, only one will survive.
In a world full of denial, how do you determine who's telling the truth?
Страшно веселые приключения в страшно невеселом замке...
For those who threatened him, framed him, imprisoned him, time is running out
What happens when you're a N.Y. cop sent to France to bust a dope ring and... You can't speak French. The French cops hate you. Your own people have set you up... YOU EXPLODE!
TWIN PEAKS meets HOT FUZZ - tagline under the main title HELLFJORD on the DVD front cover - the tagline is a much smaller font - under the large main title (English version, SBS Australia 2013).
The biggest Death Wish ever!
Erotic? Serious? Funny? Tragic? A Mystery? A Game? A Paradox? Neo-Sadism? A Detective Story?
Where an ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship...