Американские политики

Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «американских политиков»

Его работа - твоя биография

Фрост против Никсона

Правда только одна

Вся президентская рать

The most devastating detective story of the century!

Доброй ночи и удачи

They Took On The Government With Nothing But The Truth


Творит историю, нравится вам это или нет

Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон

OUR OPERATOR SAYS.."IT'S GOING TO BE A PLEASURE TO RUN "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON" 5 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY, NOV.7) (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Cactus Theatre - Lubbock Texas - November 2, 1938 - all caps)

Познакомьтесь с Джоном Доу

ALL AMERICA WANTS TO MEET THE "MR. DEEDS" OF 1941! (original print media ad - all caps)

Я женился на ведьме

She's a witch (and we do mean witch) who gets what she wants with hex appeal!

Лицо в толпе

POWER! He loved it! He took it raw in big gulpfuls...he liked the taste, the way it mixed with the bourbon and the sin in his blood!

Стеклянный ключ

The Tougher They Are - The Harder They Fall

Семь дней в мае

"I'm suggesting Mr President, there's a military plot to take over the Government of these United States, next Sunday..."

Рожденная вчера

BROADWAY'S BIGGEST HIT...now a perfectly swell motion picture!


This Fall a woman will be President.

Конца и края нет

The American Occupation of Iraq - The Inside Story From the Ultimate Insiders

Великий МакГинти

WHATTA GUY! He loved a fight or a frolic...and he usually found one! (original ad)

Совет и согласие

Are the men and women of Washington really like this?

Путь фламинго

«See You on Flamingo Road»

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