Two Dynamite-Charged Personalities! They clash! They clinch! A platinum cyclone meets a dimpled hurricane! And you go into a whirl! (Print Ad-Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,((Pittsburgh, Penna.)) 7 July 1933)
«Come up and see me sometime - any time!»
A musical extravaganza staged in the clouds!
THE NATIONAL LAUGH-FEST! (original herald - all caps)
THE PICTURE EVERY WOMAN WANTS EVERY MAN TO SEE! (Print Ad- Buffalo Courier-Express,((Buffalo NY)) 19 June 1933)
His camera takes 'em from love nests to Page One before they can bat an eye---or put on a negligee!
One of the world's great love stories comes to the star who can make it live
Leave Your Love Secrets At Home When You See "SUPERNATURAL"
Great is the word for...COUNSELLOR AT LAW!