Are souls for sale - behind the counters you shop over? Visit dressing rooms where desperate girls whisper their secrets of the boss...who can make or break them! ...See the bargains in love that hard times have brought! (Print ad from Los Angeles Times February 1, 1933)
«Little Caesar» Swaps Dames for Debs...Beer Trucks for Tea Cups! (Print Ad- Milwaukee Sentinel, ((Milwaukee, Wisc.)) 1 June 1933)
The story of how the telegraph was laid from East to West, with plenty of hardships and Indian attacks. (Print Ad- Register-Herald,((Pine Plains, NY)) 16 March 1933)
HE ROLLED HIS EYES and RUINED an EMPRESS (Print Ad-Philadelphia Inquirer,((Philadelphia, Penna.)) 16 January 1934)
Romance rides in a drama of thundering hoofs and blazing guns!
A Story of the Modern Escapades of the Most Famous Adventurers in all Fiction!
SHAME is responsible for the "amnesia" plague which has swept America! See how cases of lost memory are faked so betrayed girls can face the world again! Learn the truth about runaway wives, "lost" women, vanished men in this blazing drama of the super-sleuths who are smashing the snatch racket! (Print Ad- Philadelphia Inquirer, ((Philadelphia, Penna.)) 27 September 1933)
The story of a temporary marriage
SEVETH HEAVEN ON THE FOURTH FLOOR! The landlord called them room mates...but they never met inside...'til they fell in love outside. (Print Ad-Greenfield Recorder-Dispatch,((Greenfield, Mass.)) 30 September 1933)