Фильмы и сериалы 1921 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1921 году

This is the great film he has been working on for a whole year

Усталая смерть

The Movie That Inspired Hitchcock and Bunuel! (2016)

Козел отпущения

The Inimitable Mirth Maker BUSTER KEATON Mixed Up in a Battle of Fun and Acrobatics IN «THE GOAT» (Print Ad-Syracuse Journal, ((Syracuse, NY)) 1 October 1921)

Праздный класс

HIM AND HIMSELF He's as funny as him as he is as himself. A fun-fable of a minnow that went swimming with gold fish. Poor Fish! (Print Ad- Nashua Telegraph, ((Nashua, NH)) 5 December 1921)

Глупые жены

Von Stroheim's Million Dollar Photo-play.

Особый знак

A comic of a weird secret society which will turn your theatre into a merry lodge of mirth!

Сиротки бури

did you see--'BIRTH OF A NATION?' 'INTOLERENCE?' 'HEARTS OF THE WORLD?' 'BROKEN BLOSSOMS?' 'WAY DOWN EAST?' The genius who gave these mighty motion picture milestones to the world, has achieved his greatest success in a masterpiece profoundly excellent. It is D.W.Griffith's 'Orphans OF THE Storm' (Print Ad- Syracuse Evening Telegram, ((Syracuse, NY)) 27 September 1922)


2000 FEET OF ROARING LAUGHTER (Print Ad- Buffalo Evening News, ((Buffalo NY)) 9 April 1921)


The boat carries a cargo of laughter explosives through an ocean full of Ticklish Tarpons. from stem to stern there are more ha-ha! and he-he! provokers than a sailor with a hipload of boiler fuel. (Print Ad- Evening Capitol, ((Annapolis, Md.)) 30 March 1922)

Четыре всадника Апокалипсиса

The triumphant return of Rex Ingram's The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse with Rudolph Valentino. (Newspaper ad cut, 1926 reissue).

Маленькая хозяйка большого дома

WILL FORCE HOLD A WOMAN? (Print ad- Sunday Times,((Sydney NSW)) 21 August 1921)


Greatest Lover of 'EM ALL! Rudolph Valentino was three Gables and Four or Five Taylor's rolled into one (1940)

Будьте моей женой

Bills scared him of matrimony but it took a self-invented burglar to win him a wife. There's a thrill to punctuate every laugh it's the greatest comedian's best work. (Print Ad-Altus Times-Democrat,((Altus, Oklahoma)) 15 June 1922)

Никогда не сдавайся

See It Once «You'll See It Ten Times» You'll «Never Weaken» (Print Ad- Sunday Chronicle, ((Paterson, NJ)) 25 December 1921)

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