The Novel That Shocked The World Is Now A Movie.
Всё не так, как кажется
Got Creep?
Would you write to a serial killer?
Payback's A Bitch!
Эротические или опасные фантазии?
They'd do anything for a story...and do.
Ему не нужны деньги. Ему нужно то, что невозможно на них купить...
Love Is Hell.
The Suspense is Almost Unbearable ... in this Four-Award Thriller !
Everything you can imagine is real
They broke every rule, loved every woman, took every risk and solved the most shocking murder in the history of Beverly Hills. And it's all true. Give or take a lie or two
Together they're making a cardiac arrest.
From Embryo to woman in 4 and a half weeks.
A ruthless killer, an ex-cop and an ex-hooker. Two's company, three's a crime.
This June dance... jump... shout...
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