Noen dører bør aldri åpnes (Some doors should never be opened)
They've been hit before, but never in the heart
What he saw is what he did.
Fritz Lang's Meisterwerk. Der Gewaltigste Film der Gegenwart. (Fritz Lang's masterpiece. The most tremendous film of the present.)
Есть тонкая грань между тем, чтобы ловить преступников и самому стать им
Триста лет назад их бы назвали мучениками...
One Steals, One Kills, One Loves, One Dies
Aqui dentro ninguém é culpado. Você acredita nisso? (Inside here nobody is guilty. Do you believe that?)
She attempted to beat the mob at their own game.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.
A Vampire for Our Age of Disbelief
Ray Dolezal is a small-town lawman up against big-time corruption...all in the name of a dead man. Then again, Ray's always been the never-say-die type.
Look deep into "THE EVIL EYE" to the twilight world of the Supernatural!
This movie is totally out of control!
Abel Gance's 1927 Masterpiece
There are hunters and prey...that's the only truth in this world.