Now it Can Be Seen...Intact...Uncut!
The Finzi-Continis were Italians living in Ferrara, Italy in 1938. They were rich, beautiful, unapproachable and Jewish. They lived in a walled dream world until they were forced to open the gates.
A Russian girl, an American reporter, the love they shared ...and the country that made it impossible.
Someone new is playing God
Best friends and boyfriends: which one will you choose?
Behind Every Curtain, Someone Is Watching...Something Is Waiting
Before You Can Fly You Have To Be Free.
Genius. Madman. Animal. God. Nijinsky.
You MUST see it to know how indescribably clever and enormously «smart» a movie CAN be!
One part Inspector Clouseau, one part Mr. Bean, no parts James Bond...
Imagine what would happen...if every desire, every urge, every passion, locked deep inside us all...suddenly exploded!
Dangerous Love. Jealous Love. Forbidden Love.
FLINT'S BACK! IN Action IN Danger IN Fun