"I'll get the things I want out of life, one way or another...from one man to another!"
Something is alive in the funhouse...something that has the form of a human, but not the face...something that feeds off the flesh and blood of young innocents...
Please God, don't let him get caught.'
Если ты не контактируешь с внешним миром, возможно, тебя и не существовало?..
Not made to be broken
Can One Man Make A Difference?
Tonight Park Plaza Mall switches on the world's toughest security force. Absolutely nothing can go wrong...
Heroes hit hardest.
The all-time best selling novel is now a captivating motion picture.
When fear is the currency, what is the price of hope
Everyone is hiding something
Smoking rifles can stunt your growth
Два столкнувшихся мира
Чью сторону ты выберешь после апокалипсиса?
On the Red Planet... Death Awaits. (ADV Films DVD Volume 2)
One Day She Met a Man Who Loved Beautiful Women...But Not All in One Piece
Where nightmares and reality meet on the street
A cop is turning. Nobody's safe.