In all the seven seas never two like these!
Surging to Life on the Screen!
Lust, Larceny and Loyalty...
The true story of the Civil War's most secret weapon.
Codename: "The Needle". Only one person can stop him: The woman who loves him !
This would be the loneliest place on Earth. If they were alone...
Two King Kongs Fight to the Death!
IT CRUSHES! KILLS! DESTROYS! (original print ad - all caps)
MAN OF NINE LIVES AND 1000 SURPRISES! (original print ad - all caps)
Пустыня - это идеальное поле битвы. В песках нечего завоевывать или захватывать - здесь можно только сражаться
You Can Swim, But You Can't Hide
It's a race for the secret ... or TOTAL DESTRUCTION
«MORITURI» must mean something different
Prepare for the Apocalypse...
The Strangest Military Hoax of World War II!
She built one life on love, the other on deceit.
The Big Guns Are Back!