Beautiful, dangerous, and desperate for work...
The Biggest Thing Since Time Began!
Revenge Is A Force Of Nature!
The Ultimate Street Fight At 50,000 Feet
It's Mutiny and the countdown has begun.
Neither Bombs, Bullets, Jets or Rockets Can Stop Gorgo...But This Little Boy Knew His Secret!
Deadly circumstances call for deadly heroes!
Now...In the North Atlantic...High Adventure in the High Naval Tradition from the Company That Gave You 'The Caine Mutiny'!
He rolled the Seven Wonders of the World into one!
When the dead first walked, they had no time for appetizers.
Race from outer space to seven miles below the sea ... with amazing aquanauts of the deep !
TYRONE POWER Leading his Submarine crew...blasting his was to glory in his farewell role for the duration! (Print Ad-Greenfield Recorder-Gazette, ((Greenfield, Mass.)) 31 July 1943)
SIGHTS NEVER BEFORE SEEN - Adventure never before experienced!
Twenty thousand leagues under the sea, without a paddle. A pair of civilians are the only hope for a nuclear submarine stuck thousands of feet beneath the polar ice cap.