The Body Count Is About To Rise ...
A one man Judge, Jury and Executioner who turns the Wild West into a Blood Bath!
Terence Hill and Bud Spencer One More Time Together!
The gold or the grave. The young widow could lead them to either.
Жестокий вестерн для поклонников Клинта Иствуда
Look out! Terence Hill is up to his old tricks... Lending a helping hand... Enjoying a good fight... Doing a little shooting!
A hero is measured by the enemies he makes.
Seven bullets from here his woman would be waiting -- Seven men from now -- her shame would be wiped out!
Even greater than Jesse James.
The Epic Story of the most Colourful Outlaw who ever lived
Outlaw Sheriff - Within the Law, Without the Law, Beyond the Law.
From the four winds they came, the four brothers, their eyes smoking and their fingers itching...
He's Out of Jail, and Ready for Revenge.
The brute in every man was also in him... And the love and the violence!
There has never been a Western like «Doc»
99 years of British rule are about to come to an end...Hong Kong will never be the same.
One foot on the stage... And one step ahead of the law!