The most outrageous of 'em all.
Hunted by the Law... Hated by the Lawless!
Where the only way to survive is to kill yourself
A legend never dies
The Fiery Brilliance of 8 Great Stars... The Double-Barreled Excitement of 2 Mighty Action Spectacles!
They were nine men from four families. They rode together from Missouri to Minnesota, and from Texas to Tennessee. This is their story...and it's as close to the truth as legends can ever be.
No sin shall go unpunished.
They never thought it could happen in their town...
How Many Men Must Die?
100% Over-The-Top Action!
A Brand New Seven -- Doing Their Number! They put their lives on the line and let it ride!
Count Your Bullets
He's got to face a gunfight once more to live up to his legend once more - TO WIN JUST ONE MORE TIME.
The Giants Battle In The Biggest Spectacle Of Them All!
Sean Connery is Shalako! Shalako means action! Action means Bardot!
I Want Peace - And I Don't Care Who I Kill to Get It!
One man. Against the odds. About to get even
Jory Has Two Best Friends He Can Count On-HIS GUNS!
The greatest cowboy ever to ride into the Wild West. From Poland.