The fought back to back...No quarter given...No quarter asked...No way in...No way out...of Rio Bravo
His voice was the silence of death!
Mel Brooks and the West! Together for the last time!
He Was On the Side of the Law and Order. He Was On the Side of Crime and Chaos. He Was On Any Side That Would Have Him.
Их шансы были сто к одному
They're Down On Their Luck And Up To Their Necks In Senoritas, Margaritas, Banditos And Bullets!
Every second counts.
In the desert there is no law. There is only justice
Either The Most Neglected Hero In History Or A Liar Of Insane Proportion!
Sometimes the wrong side of the law is the right place to be
Two Great Stars Appear Together For the First Time!
after you SADDLE BLAZES ...what next?
Was one man's life worth 1 million dollars and the death of 21 men?
In 25 Years, Only Three! 'The Covered Wagon', 'Cimarron' and now Howard Hawks' 'Red River'
You're looking at the face of a killer with nothing left to lose.
Get ready for the ride of your life.
First His Wife. Now His Daughter. It's Time To Even The Score!
His rules. His way. No exceptions.
Those Trinity Boys Are Back!
The Greatest Story Of the West Ever Filmed