A Fistful of Dollars is the first motion picture of its kind. It won't be the last!
Два старых соперника, двое лучших полицейских Лос-Анджелеса. Им придётся работать вместе... даже если это их погубит
Even in the future of law enforcement there is room for improvement
Catch him if you can
Prepare for the Dawn
Железная рука закона
There were three men in her life. One to take her... one to love her... and one to kill her
На обочине жизни. В бизнесе смерти. У него есть повод, чтобы жить дальше
They're taking trains... They're taking banks and they're taking one piece of baggage!
The movie that spawned a genre.
The Magnificent One!
Revenge Gets Ugly
The system gave him a raw deal. Nobody gives him a raw deal
Blood will be spilled. Lives will be lost. Men will be ruined. (season 1)
Не стой у него на пути...
Better if all these men were dead. Think about it!
Один - воин. Второй - мудрец. Двое полицейских из Лос-Анджелеса, преследующие японских наркобаронов. Ногами вперёд
Каждый сам за себя
Есть вопросы?!
This Is Gonna Hurt