Sometimes you have to reach into someone else's world to find out what's missing in your own.
He lived to find beauty. He killed to possess it.
Deadly little Miho
Это не любовная история, это история о любви
Свобода навсегда!
Зацепи девчонку. Победи ее семерых злых бывших. Надери любви зад
Где правит адреналин, нет места для страха
Респектабельная внешность дьявола
No actual Europeans were harmed in the making of this film.
Flesh seduces. Passion kills
Everyone does it, no one talks about it
Некоторые легенды написаны кровью
8 years ago, Alex's wife was MURDERED. Today... She e-mailed him.
Life is the ultimate work of art.
Beware what you dream for...
Та же Бриджит. Совсем другой дневник
Operations. Relations. Complications.