Интриги. Хаос. Мыло
Они мстят бодро, весело, со вкусом
Есть много способов умереть от руки убийцы
Я умираю, но не сдаюсь!
This isn't the movies anymore
У них не было детства, они зарабатывали миллионы
Страх живёт в темноте
To fulfill the prophecy, he must find the one to take his place
A celebration of youth, friendship, and the everlasting magic of the movies.
They can die quickly. They can die slowly. But they must die!
every inch of footage holds such a laugh!
Drive in. Freak out.
A life so outrageous it takes two women to live it
Dieser männer bringen was ins rollen.
In glorious phonic sound.
Beautifully Outspoken!
TARGETS are people...and you could be one of them!