Desperation knows no borders.
Гарри вас любит. Гарри вам поможет. После встречи с Гарри ваша жизнь станет значительно лучше, если вам удастся её сохранить!
There are no walls
This is the love every woman lives for...the love every man would die for!
He loved her. He lost her. He won't let her memory die... until it tells him who killed her
A Very Funny Picture by Federico Fellini
Любовь, смерть и телефон...
The family that slays together stays together.
De Mented, De Ranged, De Ceptive, De Palma
One family struggles for survival, for justice, for freedom
In the 1930s, an artist and his models scandalized a nation with their controversial paintings. For a young couple, meeting them was the experience of a lifetime.
Changing his attitude will take a miracle.
Her role is raw electricity! Her portrayal is a sensation! CARROLL BAKER
A story about the amazing places life can take you.
Dietrich More Breath Taking Esquite than ever in the Royal Finery of Catherine the Greatest Lover History ever call a Queen! (original print ad- Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lubbock, Texas - Sept.7, 1934)
Love is a puzzle. These are the pieces.