Would you write to a serial killer?
His gun was a one-way ticket thru the doorway to hell! (Print Ad- The Standard-Union,((Brooklyn, NY)) 24 January 1931)
Have a drink, mate? Have a fight, mate? Have a taste of dust and sweat, mate? There's nothing else out here.
Getting here is half the fun...
In life he was a movie star, in death he became a legend.
What happens backstage is always true drama. And often pure comedy.
In a world of no absolutes, right and wrong is just a matter of perspective.
A woman like Mona can drive men to extremes.
Рэстлинг - спорт настоящих мужчин
Everyone is hiding something
Innocent Beauty - this was her wedding eve. On the wall a shadow . . the beast was at large grinning horribly-cruelly. What was Her Fate ?
A romantic comedy brave enough to say those three magic words
Liar liar, love's on fire
Sworn to Fun...Loyal to None!!!
Five men. They appreciate each other's guts and wisdom, and they are always perfect partners in missions. But now, they'll have to hold their pistols at each other...