Лечебно-оздоровительная комедия
Со свастикой на плече, с Торой в сердце
A comedy in the last place you expect to find one
Здесь тебя легко сведут с ума
A Comedy Of Sexual Disorientation
Хочешь жениться - спроси меня как
Cut To The Scam.
Непредсказуемые поиски большой любви...
When you really need a miracle...
Art + Politics = Power
You can close your eyes. You can turn away. But you will never forget
The Finzi-Continis were Italians living in Ferrara, Italy in 1938. They were rich, beautiful, unapproachable and Jewish. They lived in a walled dream world until they were forced to open the gates.
Friends last forever. Goodness is its own reward. ...And there ain't no Indians in the Bronx.
Королевы не отступают перед превратностями судьбы
In 1998, 1 million ecstasy pills were smuggled into the USA by a group of Hasidic Jews.
15 minutes from Manhattan there's a place where even the cops fear to tread.
En Passionshistoria från verkligheten (A Passion History from Reality)