Я родился при странных обстоятельствах
И разгорится пламя
Можно ли полюбить с первого слова?
Le sang versé ne sèche jamais (Spilt blood doesn't dry)
Все ради неё
Он ищет разгадку... Но находит одни трупы
100% medically accurate.
A true medical marvel
И ты окажешься за пределами реальности
The end of the world was only the beginning
Sit. Stay. Play Dad.
All roads of life lead to one.
It's 1975 and they're about to explode
This man wants you to die on your own terms.
Демон подземелья вышел на охоту...
S.E. Hinton's classic novel about youth
Love. Commitment. Responsibility. There's nothing he can't run away from.
One's still a little smarter than the other.
Остерегайтесь подделок
Nico's back and this time he's even more harder to kill