Beauty...Mystery...Delightful Humor...
A Hammer film greater than «ONE MILLION YEARS B.C.»
Milo is one lucky cat. He's got nine lives and a best friend.
Они коварны, бесшумны и смертельны
Faster, funnier and wilder. It'll knock you out.
Brilliant In Cast And Story
When the price of lust is death..!
Nothing Can Stop Them. No One Can Help You. They Know Who You Are.
It's Shocking! It's Beyond Your Imagination!
Pure Venom
Fear strikes without warning
Dare to Make Contact
He must conquer evil on land and at sea!
The entertainment that loves a lot, and lives a lot, and gives and gives and gives a lot.
Sean Connery is Shalako! Shalako means action! Action means Bardot!
The greatest danger to the mission is already on board