Супергадкий. Суперпапа
Она изменит вашу жизнь
Сказка становится реальностью
Всем нужна правда... пока они ее не находят
Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world
Каждый ребёнок уникален
Growing pains? They've got twelve of them!
Where fantasy and reality meet.
The timeless tale of a special place where magic, hope and love grow
Destiny has big plans for little Simon Birch
Climb aboard for the adventure of your life!
Когда невозможно забыть о прошлом...
They beat him. They deprived him. They ridiculed him. They broke his heart. But they couldn't break his spirit.
Прошлое трудно забыть, но возможно ли его вернуть?
"I'll get the things I want out of life, one way or another...from one man to another!"
The Suspense is Almost Unbearable ... in this Four-Award Thriller !