The Horror… The Horror…
The first casualty of war is innocence
В ад и обратно
What you call hell, he calls home
Его учили выполнять приказ. Но он стал героем, нарушив его
Один выстрел - одна цель
У каждого боя есть свои правила
War at its worst. Men at their Best.
The war's not over until the last man comes home.
Солдатам платят за то, чтобы они воевали, а не думали
Каждый является целью
Part man. Part machine. Total weapon. Prepare to go Solo!
No mission is impossible.
The Dogs of War. The Best Damn Mercenaries in the Business!
In a South American Country There's Only One Way To Take Down a Drug Lord...Point Blank.
It's not a rematch, it's war!
A Dirty Half-Dozen -- But Twice as Deadly.
They were alone on this Pacific Island... trapped behind enemy lines... the marine who had been thru Hell and Sister Angela with her supreme faith in God.