Если бы ты знала, через что я прошел, чтобы вернуться к тебе
Отныне человечество - вымирающий вид!
Последние 10 дней жизни Гитлера
Последний бой в долине смерти
Every man fights his own war.
Never has the screen thrust so deeply into the guts of war!
Декабрь 1914 года. История, которая не попала в учебники
They're coming back to wipe us out!
One Man's Mission To Teach The Few, The Proud... The Impossible!
First, he brought us the most frightening film ever made. Then he took his unique version of horror one step further. Now, George Romero takes us out of the night, beyond the dawn, and into the darkest day of horror the world has ever known
Эта сторона войны всегда была закрыта для посторонних глаз
Настоящий солдат всегда остаётся солдатом...
They were all honorable men. But all what they did that can be done name of honor
Men on the front lines of Hell
A Comedy Spectacular!
Pouring out of impassioned pages...brawling their way to greatness on the screen!
War at its worst. Men at their Best.
42 International Stars!
The true story of World War II's forgotten heroes
Sleep tight, America! The safety of the free world rests in his hands!