When you hear this cat breathing down your neck...START PRAYING!!!
The most deliriously romantic horror picture ever made!
Can you help me?
An Entire Town Bathed In Pulsing Human Blood! Madmen Crazed For Carnage!
Where nightmares and reality meet on the street
He believed in Love . . . Honor . . . and Obey - That Impulse!
Not all villans wear black
Кого убить, новый хозяин?
Rediscover the Joy of Christmas Spirit!
Загадочно. Смертельно. Ужасно тупой
Can you see them, Sally ... hiding in the shadows. They're alive, Sally. They want you to be one of them when the lights go out.
THE GREATEST "CHILLER' OF THE YEAR! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Tech Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - November 8, 1944 - all caps)
A trail to the light!