An assassin on the loose. A president in danger. Only one man stands between them...
In 141 years, there's never been a traitor in the Secret Service.... Until Now
The truth is never overrated
Может ли этот человек быть их следующим президентом?
Реальная история, в которую вы не поверите
Fred Zinnemann's film of...
A stiff drink. A little mascara. A lot of nerve. Who said they couldn't bring down the Soviet empire.
Corrupts Absolutely a democracy we do not shoot unarmed suspects on sight for a murder in which their participation is still legally unproven
1963 год. 22 ноября. 12:38. В Мемориальную больницу в Далласе доставлен раненный пациент. Его имя - Джон Ф. Кеннеди, 35-й президент США
Who can save the universe?
Trust No-one
The Revolutionist That Shook the World With LAUGHTER!
Cunning. Devious. Dangerous. Treacherous.
In a country where anybody can become President, anybody just did
Shep Ramsey was ordered to take a vacation on Earth. But was unprepared for suburban life on the planet Earth!
The greatest challenge FDR faced was the one we never saw.
Across the town the traffic is MURDER