There is no evidence. There are no witnesses. But for one, there is no doubt.
When Andy met Edie, life imitated art
It was the last day of school of 1976. it's a night they would never forget.....if they could remember
It starts with a shriek of a train whistle...and ends with shrieking excitement
Everybody who's ever been funny is in it!
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The Only Person You Need To Be Is Yourself
"BEST PICTURE!" Winner of 10 Academy Awards! - 1961 (post-Oscar)
Queens, New York, 1986. Sometimes the only way forward, is back.
The Overwhelming Drama of a Strange Vengeance
They couldn't like each other less or need each other more
He Finally Found The Perfect Girl
The most terrifying images are the ones that are real.
EXPOSED! The Mobs, Molls and Mayhem of New York's Clip-Joint Jungle!
It only looks like the good life
One family's coming of age story.
EVERYBODY'S RAVING ABOUT "MARTY" . . . The year's BIG entertainment surprise a warm and human story with characters you'll love and remember!
Gloria. Big mouth. Big attitude. But who knew she had a big heart.