Как далеко ты готов зайти?
Пророчество ясно. Знаки безошибочны. На 6 день 6-го месяца года 2006-го наступит его день
Pray for Rosemary's Baby
For the good of all men, and the love of one woman, he fought to uphold justice by breaking the law
If Something Frightening Happens To You Today, Think About It. It May Be «The Omen»
You will bear witness to the End of Days...
These eyes will follow you wherever you go and your nightmares will become a frightening reality
Бога здесь нет...
Benjamin Christensens stora film.
LOOK INTO THIS FACE - SHUDDER... at the blood-stained dance of the Red Death! TREMBLE... to the hideous tortures of the catacombs of Kali! GASP... at the sacrifice of the innocent virgin to the vengeance of Baal!
Before the Legend You Know, is the Story of How Evil Began.
New!! Sinbad's Boldest And Most Daring Adventure!
Смертельная схватка с Дьяволом
This key will answer your questions to these screaming mysteries...(next to a skeleton hand holding a key)
It's frightening to think they did it. It's terrifying to think they didn't.
The beauty of woman... the demon of darkness... the unholy union of "The Devil's Bride"!
Dare to dream.
Это путешествие станет кошмаром