Twenty Years Later, The Moon Rises Again...
From The Creators of Japan's Acclaimed RINGU, Inspiration for the hit phenomenon THE RING
...Because no one inspires me more.
Kuru. (It's coming.)
Sometimes stopping is the most important part of the journey...
How do you get the world's attention?
Live as one. Die as one.
A White Hot Night of Hate!
They feast on your fear - and it's dinner time.
И сбудется пророчество, и станут города вам гробницами...
Он пришел из другого мира, чтобы разрушить этот
Перед тем как ты умрешь, ты услышишь...
Flesh Ripped clean to the Bone... And the Blood runs Red...
To avoid fainting, keep repeating «It's only a movie...It's only a movie...»
A nightmare ALIVE!
Mighty Spectacle
Ты лишён будущего!