There Was This Girl in Climax, Nevada
Meet Cecil Fox...He has wit, charm, a talent for women - and a taste for more than money can buy...and that could be dangerous
Nothing can cure the soul but the senses. -- Oscar Wilde
Dance like a man. San Francisco. 1985.
With needles dipped in deadly venom the victims are paralyzed - so they must lie awake and watch themselves die!
"The Godfather" Gave You an Offer You Couldn't Refuse. "The Family" Gives You No Alternative.
The adult couples' movie!
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A portrait of a young man torn between boyish love and manly passion.
Once in, you'll never come out.
Ein heißer Sex-Bericht (1973 German release)
They were two of a kind ! ...and bound to meet, but neither of them knew what such a meeting would mean!