A handful of men and women held out against the frenzied hordes of bloodthirsty fanatics!
Some lessons can only be learned by heart.
This Diwali, two great civilizations... will wish they had never met!
THE PICTURE THAT TOUCHES NEW HEIGHTS OF EMOTION ( print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - March 4, 1945 - all caps)
To save a nation he will kill a God
Earthquakes shattered the nation. Cities become raging firestorms. But the worst is yet to come
Every time history repeats itself, the price goes up
Only once in the furied history of adventure and conquest...did one man rule so vast an empire!
Хаос любовных хитросплетений
The art of combat has a new generation.
Lust, Larceny and Loyalty...