A daring soul admits his true color and natural sexuality in the order of love
Deadly Horrors! Dragon Thrills! The First Kung Fu Horror Spectacular!
39 days... 16 people... ONE... Survivor!
A super death squad, they GASH you... SMASH you... MASH you.
In one explosive moment, nothing matters but survival
Heart-Warming Romance . . . Stark, Sensational Drama! Thrills! Action! Adventure! ...Ripped From The Heart!
Smuggler. Prince. Murderer. Father. Sinner. Saint.
From the Pool of the Maidens...Long-Ago Cathay...A Serving Girl Too Beautiful to be True...Step Into History...In a Story Too Beautiful to Miss...A Magnificent New Film from Japan!
DON"T Let your girlfriend see this film!
Dictators. Terrorists. War Criminals. Meet the man who defended them all.
Behind the secrets... Beyond your imagination... An unforgettable epic of courage and compassion.
Love - Lust Courage and Cowardice
99 years of British rule are about to come to an end...Hong Kong will never be the same.