Death is only the beginning
Судьба благоволит храбрым
In the face on an enemy, in the Heart of One Man, Lies the Soul of a Warrior
Всё, что вы знаете, скоро изменится
Some legends can never be tamed
Some things are worth fighting for
В огне войны. В любящем сердце. Живет надежда
И хлынет кровь
The first was for himself. The second for his country. This time it's to save his friend
2013 год. Война изменила Землю и людей. Все технологии были уничтожены. Наша единственная надежда - неизвестный никому герой
From J.R.R. Tolkien's Magical The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
One map. Three villains. Winner takes all.
The Biggest, Roughest, Toughest ...and Most Beautiful Picture Ever Made!
Their innocence. Their heritage. Their lives. Nothing would be spared in the fight for their freedom.
Слава шла за ним по пятам
The most significant reserved seat attraction of the year!
One incredible afternoon Napoleon met Wellington . . . at Waterloo.
Either The Most Neglected Hero In History Or A Liar Of Insane Proportion!