Lt. John Dunbar is about to discover the frontier...within himself
Got Monsters?
Once discovered, it was changed forever
The Biggest, Roughest, Toughest ...and Most Beautiful Picture Ever Made!
Когда Питер ещё не был Пеном, а Хук - капитаном...
...the fastest fun in the west!
She was a beautiful woman abducted by a Sioux warrior. Now she must choose between the world she lost and the love she found.
JOHN WAYNE'S GREATEST ROLE (1954 & 1957 reissue posters)
Sean Connery is Shalako! Shalako means action! Action means Bardot!
Crimson-haired slave girl . . . desired by a man of destiny! Together they shared the thrills of the most daring spectacle De Mille ever filmed !
Two legendary enemies unite to fight the charging white beast!!
They came... They saw... They panicked...
How a lost world became a new world of adventure!
Flaming arrows blaze a trail of violence!
Mighty drama of the adventure that battered down the barriers to the great Northwest! (original poster)