Actually filmed by M-G-M on safari...amid authentic scenes of unrivalled savagery and awe-inspiring splendor!
It's coming from another world... TO STAY!
The Final Battle
Incredible true-life drama of Juliane Koepcke... the story of a 17-year-old schoolgirl who survived a 10,000 foot plunge from an exploding jetplane and an 11 day terrifying ordeal in the Peruvian jungle!
Wish for a dinosaur and watch all your dreams come true.
A world beyond imagination.
Новый хищник выходит на охоту
Outrageous adventures in the Kingdom of Women
In a daring armed robbery, they'll risk everything for the ultimate score.
Как выжить белому человеку на чёрном континенте?
Can this modern man survive in a Stone Age world?
Part man. Part machine. Total weapon. Prepare to go Solo!
The slaves will sell their masters and grow wings...
A pair of down-and-out fortune hunters cash in on high adventure!
Within us All...
The most violent film ever made!
Ученые разрушили границы времени... Эпоха динозавров возвращается!