The Extraordinary Adventure, The Magical Romance, The Musical Masterpiece
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Warner Brothers' "Maverick" Man! Bigger Than Ever Now and Ready Right Now in his Big-Screen Big-Excitement Technicolor Smash!
A Feast of Sensuous Entertainment!
THE JUNGLE FIRE! A whole world ablaze as the jungle strikes back at those who would violate its secret code!
See the mighty prehistoric monsters clash with modern lovers in a most remarkable story of love, romance and amazing adventure.
For three hundred years, a terrifying secret has been kept from the outside world.
From the warped minds who brought you Super Troopers
They were alone on this Pacific Island... trapped behind enemy lines... the marine who had been thru Hell and Sister Angela with her supreme faith in God.
The one story you won't be seeing on the 6 o'clock news!
Lovers trapped in animal stampede!
TERROR! Stalked the Brush-Choked Island...Where Men Who Were Animals Sought the Girl Who Was All-Human!
A Dirty Half-Dozen -- But Twice as Deadly.
"The Finest Specimen I Ever Killed"