He believed in Love . . . Honor . . . and Obey - That Impulse!
Something wicked has washed ashore...
A weekend to remember.
A MUSICAL FANTASY(print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche -Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas- September 26, 1946 - all caps)
A controversial retelling of the Apocalypse
He hasn't spoken a word in two years. No one knows his identity. Officially he doesn't exist... But 24 corpses do.
Every corner of the soul is lost to the icy clutch of the supernatural!
No Man Is Just A Number.
Rapture (rap'chur) 1. ecstatic joy or delight. 2. a state of extreme sexual ecstasy. 3. the feeling of being transported to another sphere of existence. 4. the experience of being spirited away to Heaven just before the Apocalypse.
A GREAT MOTION PICTURE DARES TO BE DIFFERENT! (original print media ad - all caps)
Rene Clair - whose genius has created masterpieces...now brings his magic touch to the screen in a new achievement!
Vive La Fun!... Vive La Joy!... Vive La Judy!...