Uh-Oh, The Critics Love It!
For some, it's the last real taste of innocence, and the first real taste of life. But for everyone, it's the time that memories are made of.
Two boys. One can't remember. The other can't forget.
Любовь. Секс. Дети. Выбрать можно только ДВА
In a quiet town...In a comfortable home...In a perfect body...Evil can be as close as someone you love.
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When is the last time a movie made you beg for mercy?
Poison, Drowning, Claw, Or Knife. So Many Ways To Take A Life.
Bob's a special kind of friend. The kind that drives you crazy!
No parents. No teachers. No rules... No mercy.
Их оружие - убийственный интеллект. Их горючее - адреналин
Один миг может изменить жизнь навсегда
'Tis better to give than to receive
He Knows Who's Been Naughty
Don't Go So Far Out That You Can't Find Your Way Back
A piece of paradise a half block wide and a whole summer long
Disorganized. Disrespected. Dis Summer
Some things in life you can't leave behind