Who is this man ? And what is he doing ? Who Cares. But don't miss my new movie...
If he can get out of detention, he will save the world
Are you down for some Tinseltown partying?
Brilliant, caustic and entertaining!
Ride across the sea inside the GIANT PINK SEA SNAIL!
Ради диплома они готовы на всё!
You may rest assured that there's trouble, because Inspector Clouseau is on the case. (That's the trouble.)
Evil is coming
Inspector Clouseau is back...and he's a bigger fool than anyone gives him the credits for.
Randy Bodek has no idea how to treat a woman . . . but he's working on it.
Every fairy tale needs its hero.
He Plans To Steal...More Than Her Heart.
They're back in the saddle!
There is only one Inspector Clouseau. His adventure continues...
Funny has a color all its own.
Невозможное возможно
A day without sex is a day wasted.
He's been bombed, blasted and plugged in the parachute ... Is this any way to welcome the World's Greatest Detective ?
Не увлекайся слишком сильно!