In memory, love lives forever
Put this in your pipe and smoke it.
A breakthrough that changed the face of medicine. A unique partnership that broke the rules.
Любовь делает её сильной, страсть - опасной
Question reality. You can go there even though it doesn't exist
They're going steady...straight to your heart!
1936 год... Подмосковье... Мелодрама в ритме сентиментального танго
Prepare to be seduced
HE RETURNS -And the world rocks again with laughter. (Print Ad-Daily Examiner, ((Grafton, NSW)) 6 July 1931)
They have a plan, but not a clue
...all it takes is a little Confidence
Их союз неподвластен правилам, их любовь неподвластна судьбе
The extraordinary life of Edith Piaf
Never stop fighting till the fight is done
Having It All Would Cost Her Everything.
Seduction. Sex. Scandal. She's the talk of the town.